Season 1, Episode 2: We talk with Shibani Joshi, a national technology journalist and Founder of ShibanionTech, who has covered the news for global media outlets such as ABC News, Fox Business Network, Fox News, Yahoo! Finance, Reuters and The Huffington Post. She has covered the good, the bad and the ugly—from Steve Jobs to “Sully” Sullenberger to Bernie Madoff—including from the floors of the NY Stock Exchange, Nasdaq and NYMex. She has an MBA from Harvard Business School and an undergraduate degree in business from OU’s Price College.
In this webcast, Shibani talks about what makes her tick focusing on knowing when to take big risks and—something very important, yet rarely discussed—knowing when to leave. Finding her purpose, was not a straight line and it was not free from failure. Yet, she chose challenges filled with risks but planned and prepared to meet them head-on. She shares her insights about how she’s used this period of uncertainty to pivot, experiment and grow in different ways. As always, we end with a must-see Final Four! It’s a great conversation with an inspiring thought leader that you don’t want to miss!