Meet Dr. Elaine Hamm

Season 1, Episode 1: We talk with Dr. Elaine Hamm, CEO of Ascend BioVentures, a pharmaceutical accelerator company based in Oklahoma City. Elaine is a successful entrepreneur, an inspiring leader and an inventor with many patents. Add to this, a fun fact: She is also the co-owner of a wine bar, The Study! Starting out as a piano major, she went on to get a PhD in microbiology and then did her post-doctoral work in infectious diseases. She truly is a person ahead of her time!

Tick Talk With Laku | Meet Dr. Elaine Hamm

In this webcast, Elaine talks about what makes her tick and her “unplanned journey” to success, which was neither straightforward nor free from failure. Yet, she faced emerging challenges head-on and skilled up to meet them. She shares her insights about what motivates her and how she gets “in the zone” … … and we end with a must-see Final Four! It’s a great conversation with a multi-faceted leader that you don’t want to miss!

#entrepreneur #microbiologist #inventor

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