Meet Colby Brown and David Lam

Season 1, Episode 3: This episode is a rare double-header where we talk with two dynamic young leaders with incredibly inspiring stories—Colby Brown, Regional Leader with Primerica and David Lam, Associate Partner with IBM.  In addition, to their day jobs, they have a joint venture—The Alchemy Partners, an entrepreneurial partnership with an important social goal. Both are graduates of OU’s Price College with a number of accolades, many of which have the prefix “youngest”.

In this webcast, Colby and David talk about what makes them tick and their different paths to individual success and how their paths intersected. What stands out is their dedication to identifying challenges and skilling up—not just with academic work—to meet them.  They share amazing examples of their own success and the successes of people they have helped along the way. Of course, we end with a must-see Final Four! It’s a great conversation with two leaders who have already accomplished a lot and will undoubtedly accomplish even more. Tune in!

#entrepreneur #livingdebtfree #consulting

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